The Song From High School

When I was sixteen years old, I had girls on my mind and being socially awkward and geeky (yep, that’s still me), I used to spend hours and hours writing poetry, professing my love for them. I think I was that age when I came up with the idea of writing a song for my wedding reception to be sung to my new bride (but God has other plans for my life, which I don’t regret one bit). This song is one of the few songs or poems I wrote back then with no girl in particular in mind, just an anonymous future wife. Who knows? Maybe one day, it will still be sung by someone at a wedding or reception for the woman I marry.

So In Love With You

I’ll ride a prancing steed, when you’re in need,
I’ll come to your rescue,
Many will lie,
But I will try
To be the best for you,
So dream of fairy tales
And wedding bells,
I’ll make them all come true,
Just give me a kiss.
And I’ll tell you this,
I’m so in love with you.
Love’s serenade so sweetly played
Makes the world go ‘round,
Love’s melody, so sweet to me,
Makes my heart slow down,
So dream of diamond rings
And fancy things,
I’ll make them all come true,
Just give me a kiss.
And I’ll tell you this,
I’m so in love with you.
I’ll be your Galahad,
When times are bad,
I’ll be your dashing knight,
I’ll be your little tin soldier,
You lean on my shoulder,
I’ll love you through the night,
So dream of Camelot
And everything you want,
I’ll make your dreams come true,
Just give me a kiss,
And I’ll tell you this,
I’m so in love with you.
You were my Sleeping Beauty,
I felt it my duty to kiss you on your lips,
We love through the night,
I’ll make you my wife,
And wake to the morning’s mist,
So, dream of diamond rings and fancy things,
I’ll make them all come true,
Just give me a kiss,
And I’ll tell you this,
I’m so in love with you.

Lyrics by Jacob Bembry

The Girl with the Purple Pink Hair

Disappointed and disgusted, she still cannot help but look at herself in the mirror. What was supposed to be pretty and tinted red is a loud purple pink color that says she’s crying for attention. Attention is the last thing on her mind. She thinks of a friend who she feels will tease her mercilessly.

The tears that form in her eyes disappear when her friend tells her it’s lovely. She smiles.

There are so many young people in the world who need their confidence built up. Perhaps it’s the teenage girl who wears braces and thinks she’s awkward and gawky because she is taller than the boys in her class. Perhaps it’s the boy who drops the ball on the last play of the game when he’s wide open in the end zone. Perhaps it’s the young man who’s just lost his job because the company is folding. Perhaps it’s the single mother whose husband left her on her own to raise her kids alone, who is lonely and thinks no one will ever love her.

God didn’t make any mistakes. He didn’t make any disappointments. He wants us to encourage others. He wants us to tell them that they matter. We need to put smiles on their faces, just like the smile on the face of the girl with the purple pink hair.

The Runner

The runner moves a little farther from first base as he watches the pitcher. Several times, the pitcher throws the ball back to first but the runner is always safe. The runner bides his time, waiting for the perfect time to make his move. The pitcher throws the ball toward his catcher and the runner is off in a flash, executing a perfect head slide into second as the catcher throws an equally perfect cannonball to the second baseman. “Safe!” the umpire calls. The runner gets up from the dirt, breathing hard, and brushing the dirt of the infield from him. Like the runner, we always have to be alert and keep our eyes out for the pitcher and the catcher throwing us out at second. We have to lunge headfirst into the second baseman to make sure he is not in our path. The work week is a lot like the baseball game, as we barrel toward second. At the close of the workday, Friday is a day that we are able to get up from the dirt, brush ourselves off and catch our breath again. As Christians, we have Saturdays to enjoy ourselves with recreation like fishing or we can catch up on work around the house or we can just be lazy. Sunday is the Lord’s Day and we should observe it in church, or if we’re not able to be there, in private worship. Today, let’s just brush off the dirt and the ugliness of this past week. Monday, we get to start all over again. The Lord will be with us wherever we go as He has this past week. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Written by Jacob Bembry, June 14, 2013